1st prize Archipel Music Contest 2017

Inge van Grinsven is winner of the Archipel Music Contest 2017! Thirty-six candidates showed their talent in four preliminary rounds and two semifinals to the clients of Archipel at various locations. On Sunday March 19th six young musicians played in the grand final of the Archipel Music contest, on the stage of the large concert hall in the Frits Philips Music building in Eindhoven.




Inge van Grinsven - 1e prijs Archipel Muziekconcours 2017

With a beautiful and moving performance Inge van Grinsven (16 years) has won the Music competition 2017. Archipel chairman Anton Metske handed her a chèque of € 1.000,-
Inge played:
– Elegie pour la mort d’un berger van Bernard Andrès
– Au Matin van Marcel Tournier

Saskia van Otterloo – celliste of Philharmonie Zuidnederland
Raf De Keninck – Director Music at the Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts in Tilburg
Lucas Vis – professor cello at the conservatory of Amsterdam
Mevrouw Hurx – cliënt at Archipel